Beep Autonomous Vehicles: Move Nona
Lake Nona’s new approach to mass transportation
By Lake Nona Team
January 21, 2020
Move Nona is a bold new approach to transportation, providing Lake Nona residents and visitors with a variety of efficient and inter-connected ways to get around. Lake Nona has engaged Beep to bring the region’s first autonomous shuttles to our community.
The Move Nona is the largest and longest-running single-site autonomous vehicle fleet in the country!
Each shuttle holds up to 10 passengers and operates at a maximum speed of 15 miles per hour. Though the shuttles are driverless, a Beep attendant accompanies the shuttles. The shuttles operate daily. Pick-up and drop-off are only available at the designated stops and the shuttles cannot be hailed. Currently, the cost to ride the shuttles is covered by Lake Nona and Beep!
The autonomous shuttles operate daily on fixed routes with different stops throughout the community.
For current hours of operation, latest routes, and shuttle status updates, click here to access the rider portal or click here to download the Ride Beep App.